Your Map to Freedom

Too much thinking and worrying makes things worse not better.  It’s too easy to flip into emotional overwhelm or getting lost in the past.  And it takes time away from doing the simple things that will help you.

A map needs to be functional.  It’s a way to help you see the way from A to B, not a list of every single detail along the way.

So I’ve boiled everything down into a simple, positive, no-blame way to

a) understand an approval seeking pattern and why it stays stuck

b) identify the kinds of things that will help you

Let me know what you think in the comments below or by emailing me at

What can you do to feel better on the inside?

In what ways have you been trying to be better than good and how could you ease off a bit?

Put them in the comments.  It will help them stick.

Too Nice? Start Being a Better Friend to Yourself Today
Get six of my best videos and exercises to help you feel better, get clear and start reclaiming your power. Self Care First Aid - 6 ways to get back in balance after messing up Stop Focusing on What's "Wrong" and start thinking about how you want to be See Clearly the cycle of ‘too nice’ habits and how to break it Stop Digging! Why trying harder makes things worse and what to do instead Kind AND Strong - Stand up for yourself without being "selfish" Embrace Your Power - Start feeling more comfortable about building and using your power After that, you'll get my most recent articles and videos.  No spam, only good things. You can opt out at any time.